Cattle Ranch
The Copithorne family has been ranching in the Jumping Pound area for over 125 years. Tradition runs deep and we pride ourselves on being stewards of the land that our ancestors settled when they came from Cork, Ireland in 1887. If the land doesn't thrive, our business doesn't survive. We have learned from generations before us on how to best preserve and support the soil, the water, the vegetation and the wildlife.

We grow our own feed so that we can ensure the cattle receive the best nutrients possible. We test our feed to ensure that it is the proper balance for the livestock's optimum health throughout the winter. The cattle are fed TMR (total mixed ration) a blend of hay, forage, grain and essential vitamins and minerals. In the summertime the cattle rotationally graze at the foothills of the rocky mountains on the Copithorne Ranch. They drink fresh mountain run off and graze the natural grasslands as they have for generations.